The Pope John Paul II Award appreciates the importance of keeping personal information private and protected for everyone associated with the Award. This includes participants doing their Award, the adults helping them, Pope John Paul II Award employees, volunteers and those who support the Award.
Personal information of Award participants is gathered within and is the responsibility of the individual Diocese. Each diocese has its own diocesan GDPR Policy. Copies can be obtained by contacting the diocesan office or on the diocesan website.
Award participants personal information
All information on the Pope John Paul II Award application form can be shared with the Award participants own school and own parish.
The Award participants personal information must only be used for Award participation purposes.
Only necessary information can be shared with a third party to facilitate social or parish involvement.
Personal information of the individual Award participant should be kept only for long as necessary for participating in the Award. Guidance is 1 – 2 years.
If the personal information is required for longer, the Award participant must be informed and a record kept. OTHERWISE destroy. Award reflections and other materials produced by the Award participant may be kept but personal information should be removed or redacted (blacked out).
The Pope John Paul II Award website privacy policy
The Pope John Paul II Award website privacy policy can be viewed by clicking here